Laser Dentistry

Dr. Jack Gaffey has been using lasers since 2003 and was trained in the US. Here are some of the types of procedures that Dr. Jack has performed.

For frenectomies on babies click here

This 10-year-old boy has had a tongue tie since birth which led to him having troubles pronouncing certain sounds. Here is what he looked like before treatment.

This is how far he could protrude his tongue

The arrow points to the ligament that stops him from sticking his tongue out

The arrow points to the ligament that stops him from sticking his tongue out

We used the laser to remove the ligament and instantly he could stick his tongue out. No pain! He went out to lunch and ate normally!


After Lasering the Tongue tie (Above: 2nd Image)
As you can see in this photo. No Bleeding! How great is that for a young child! This procedure normally has a 3-6 week healing time with stitches, pain and the need for scalpels and needles. Months after this was done our patient can now bend his tongue into different shapes and his speech has improved dramatically, increasing his self-esteem and helping him speaking in front of his class.

Fixing Gappy Teeth with the Laser
Our nine-year-old patient had gappy teeth because the ligament on his lip was attached to the gum between his teeth.

One week later and you can see the healing is nearly complete

Then we used the laser on the ligament and the lip could move more freely. Here is the immediate (yes immediate) after photo. Notice, no bleeding! There wasn't any problems after the treatment, no soreness, stitches or anything. He could eat normally straight away after the laser. This type of treatment normally takes a scalpel, stitches and 6 weeks healing with pain medication afterward. The laser solves those problems.

We have reviewed him 6 months afterward. The gap between his teeth has closed.